Friday, March 18, 2011

Omens and Bald Eagles

OK I know what you’re thinking, what on earth do these two things have in common? 

First the bald eagles.  Ever since I was in my teens I’ve been fascinated with bald eagles.  That was back when they were endangered and DDT was outlawed in an effort to save them.  Elton Fawks, from the Quad Cities, was actively involved in annual counts and, in some part, was credited with saving them from extinction. 

I'm also very superstitious and believe in omens.  Probably more good omens than bad.  Bad luck for others usually is good luck for me.  Good things happen to me on Friday the 13th.  My 13th birthday was actually on a Friday the 13th.  I walk under ladders, etc. 

While I know today is Friday the 18th but this morning, while driving to a meeting with the lumber yard manager, I saw something I have never seen in my entire life.  Not even in the Quad Cities where it is common to see several eagles by the river.  I was so shocked I swerved off the highway to make sure I wasn’t seeing things.  On a small frozen pond, outside the city limits but just off the highway, were over 100 bald eagles standing on the ice, eating or just resting!  An unbelievable sight.  I wish I would have had a camera. 

So I took that as a good omen since I was on my way to have the two biggest questions answered on our project.  1)  What will the lumber package cost? and 2)  Will my Amish contractor friend travel that far to frame it for us?

Well I was right on the omen!  I have my framing crew and the lumber bid was $10,000 less than I had estimated.  I am now significantly under budget with firm bids on 67% of the items needed.  There aren’t any real big items in the remaining 33% so even if I miss some of my estimates, which I will, I can’t have anything that will throw us off significantly so I am VERY excited. 


1 comment:

  1. Grats on the bids and your framer.
    Amazing on the eagles ... thought they were more loners ... didn't know they gathered in large groups/flocks ... :-)
